Hi everyone,
We have just published a new event which will take place via Zoom on Wednesday 29th June, 4pm.
Professor Gail Super, University of Toronto will deliver our final Social Analysis of Penality Across Boundaries workshop before we take a break over the summer.
Gail will present her paper,
‘Cars, Compounds and Containers: Judicial and Extrajudicial Infrastructures of Punishment in the ‘Old’ and ‘New’ South Africa.’
This paper is part of her current research, funded by a SSHRC Insight Development Grant, on the relationship between state authority, vigilantism, and penal power and how this plays out over space and time. This work examines how specific forms of penal violence (banishment, expulsions, corporal punishment, lethal collective violence, kidnapping etc.) in marginalized informal (shack) settlements in South Africa, interact with state practices of policing and punishment, and how these emerge in contexts of historic and contemporary legal pluralism.