June 2023 CfP
Dear Colleagues, This is a kind reminder of our call for papers for the Annual Criminology Congress of the Netherlands. Our event will take place on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th of June, 2023, in the Lipsius-building in Leiden. This year, our theme will be:
‘Criminology without borders: in search of different perspectives’.
We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for one of the parallel sessions at the conference. The deadline for submissions is Friday April 21st, 2023. Please submit your proposed contribution via our website, www.nvccongres.nl. Thank you in advance for your consideration, also on behalf of the Board of The Dutch Society of Criminology.
Kind regards, Dr. Veronika Nagy, Assistant Professor, Utrecht University, Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology. v.nagy@uu.nl | +31641035072, Newtonlaan 231 3584 BH Utrecht